We are moving to Raleigh in August. We have found a house and assuming everything goes well as we get a mortgage, we should be in our new home in only a few months. I still don’t have a job lined up, but I have several leads and many applications in. We are all excited about the upcoming move and all of the new experiences that we will have. After moving around for over 20 years, having only one more move is something I am really looking forward to. It is hard to imagine being able to put down roots in a community. Adrian is young enough that he may never remember being a part of a military family, even if there are pictures to the contrary. He’ll grow up without moving every few years. I am glad to offer him the chance to have some stability and long-term friends growing up. So, for now start thinking about all of the adventures we are going to have in North Carolina… but while we are still in Florida.